Supported databases

We support most SQL databases. Click on the database language you're using to see the required user permissions we need to connect.


To connect Fluent to your Snowflake warehouse, you need the following credentials:

  • Username
  • Password
  • Database
  • Account ID with the region that your Snowflake cluster is running on (e.g.
  • Warehouse – we recommend at least a LARGE Snowflake warehouse to ensure a reasonable query time
  • Role (if you want to override the default user’s role)

User permissions

Your Snowflake user needs the following permissions:

  • permission to SELECT from any table you want to analyse.
  • USAGE permission on the database to SELECT from the INFORMATION_SCHEMA
  • OPERATE privilege on the warehouse

Google BigQuery

To connect Fluent to your BigQuery warehouse, you need the following credentials:

  • BigQuery dataset IDs
  • Service Account JSON with the following roles:
    • BigQuery Job User
    • BigQuery Data Viewer
    • BigQuery Metadata Viewer

Here's a video walkthrough of how to create a service account: Create a BigQuery service account


To connect Fluent to your Databricks warehouse, you need the following credentials:

  • Server hostname: the hostname of the Databricks cluster, with at the end
  • HTTP path: sql/protocolv1/o/ORG_ID/CLUSTER_ID or /sql/1.0/endpoints/CLUSTER_ID
  • Personal access token


To connect Fluent to your Redshift warehouse, you need the following credentials:

  • Username
  • Password
  • Host: Your database's host. This might be an IP address (e.g. 123.456.789.012) or a domain (e.g.
  • Database name
  • Port

User permission

Your Redshift user needs the following permissions:

  • USAGE privilege on the database language
  • CREATE privilege on the schema


To connect Fluent to your Postgres warehouse, you need the following credentials:

  • Username
  • Password
  • Host: Your database's host. This might be an IP address (e.g. 123.456.789.012) or a domain (e.g.
  • Database name
  • Port

Your Postgres user needs the following permissions:

  • USAGE privilege on the database language
  • CREATE privilege on the schema
  • EXECUTE privilege