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Chromium-based browsers

We recommend using Chromium-based browsers to access Fluent. This includes Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Brave, Arc and others.

Set up database connection

Fluent turns your data questions into SQL code and executes it against your database to get answers.
Before you can start asking questions in Fluent, there are 2 things you need to set up.

  1. You need to connect Fluent to your database. Fluent can connect to most popular SQL databases and the the steps involved are very similar to other BI tools. You can read this guide to connect your database.
  2. You need to create a dataset. Fluent learns about your data structure and business logic through datasets. A dataset is a wide denormalised table that centralises all the data you care about for a particular topic. You can read this guide to Create a dataset.
Fluent Datasets

Once you’ve connected your database and created a dataset, you’ll be able to start asking questions!

You can always ask your data analyst to help you set up the connection. Here’s how: Invite your team

Create a canvas

A canvas is your space to explore data questions. Head to the canvas page – here’s a quick link and click “+ New Canvas”.

Fluent Canvas

Ask your first question

To ask a question, click the question box at the bottom of your canvas. Type out your question and hit Enter ⏎. This will start a conversation with Fluent to make sure it accurately understands what you're asking.

At the end of the conversation, click "Show me the answer" and an answer card will be attached to your cursor. Click anywhere on your canvas to place down the card.

You can also choose to place down a dataset to explore what data Fluent has access to.

Clicking on an answer card gives you access to different actions you can take to explore your data question.

Fluent Dashboard Card

That’s the basics! There are a lot of ways you can drill into your data to get your answers, which you can learn about in canvases and cards.

Invite your team and collaborate

Collaboration is a key part to any data analysis project. It is very easy to share your canvas with a colleague or add a member to your workspace. Here’s how: invite your team.