
When you ask a question from the question bar, Fluent generates a card. Click anywhere on the canvas to place down the card.

Basic card

Clicking on a card gives you access to the core actions you can take for an answer.

Fluent Dashboard Card
  • Click the dropdown in the top-right corner of the card to change the type of visualisation displayed
  • Ask follow up questions to your answers with interact
  • Generate a new card with the answer’s underlying data using data table
  • Explore AI-generated questions that are relevant to the same topic with explore

Expanded card

Double clicking on a card expands the card into full screen mode. This gives you access to additional actions.

Fluent Modal

Left section

  • Interact: view your conversation history with Fluent and ask follow-up questions
  • SQL: see and edit the AI generated SQL code. Note: users of business role type cannot edit SQL.

Right section

  • Visualization: See the visualisation and change the visualisation type
  • Table: Access the answer’s raw data to customise the data type and format, chart colours, and x and y axes.

Additional tools (top right)

From left to right:

  • Datasource > Dataset: the dataset Fluent is querying the data from
  • Refresh: run the query again to fetch the latest data (note: by default, Fluent fetches new data on an hourly interval. Please send us a message if your card is stuck on refreshing)
  • Copy data: this copies the raw data to your clipboard. If your answer has more than 100 rows, we recommend downloading it as a CSV / Excel.
  • Download: download the raw data as a CSV file, Excel file, or visualization as a PNG
  • Share: copies the link to your answer card
  • Close: closes the expanded view, bringing you back into the canvas